Help requested making personal care kits

Beech Women Serving is reaching out to the homeless in the area by making personal care kits which will include a toothbrush, toothpaste, bar soap (any size) and shampoo. The goal is 20 kits per month and will be distributed by Hope Ministries in Canton.

They are inviting the congregation to join in this effort. Other items that may be needed include disposable razors, deodorant, emery boards, combs, and washcloths. All sizes and brands are acceptable, including hotel size. Shampoo will be transferred into smaller bottles. There is a marked box in the room behind the mailboxes for your donations. You can also bring empty pill bottles (larger size, 3 or 4 oz) and place them in the marked container.

Thank you for your willingness to help with this much needed project!


