• My Coins Count

    MCC’s My Coins Count program brings fresh water to people in need around the world. The wishing well to collect coins will be placed in the lobby and donations can be made starting April 30th. The coin vortex will also be available for a time. Please start saving your coins (or bills) for this special…

  • Rejoice! Devotionals

    Christian Education Commission provides “Rejoice!” daily devotionals to anyone interested. If you would like to be added to our ordering list for this encouraging print resource, please contact Tanya Hershberger by April 16.

  • Easter Services

    We will be having a Good Friday service, at 7pm on Friday, April 7th. Please join us for this time of worship. Children are invited to participate in Palm Processional on Palm Sunday. Please meet Tanya in the lobby at 10:15 am on April 2 to receive the branches and instructions. If you have questions,…

  • Ukrainian opportunities

    If you are interested in being part of the team to help bring Ukrainian refugee Kristina Tymoshenko to the US, please contact Pastor Matt. If you are possibly interested in joining Pastor Matt on a mission trip to Prague in July, please contact him.

  • Outward Church worship

    Ohio Conference invites you to Outward Church, on April 15, 2023, at St. Francis Spirituality Center in Tiffin, Ohio. The program, “Mobilizing the church wherever you are”, is based on the story of Lydia from Acts 16:11-15, with speaker Maricio Chenlo. To register or for more info, please go to https://bit.ly/2023Missional Workshop. Fees: $40/person, $20/person…

  • Clothed in Righteousness

    Missions & Service will be collecting items for “Clothed in Righteousness”. Please place your items in the purple box in the lobby. Please do not drop them off at Bridgewater or Cir. Items needed are shampoo, conditioner, body wash, Men’s 3-1 wash, toothpaste, toothbrush, body lotion, shaving cream, men’s deodorant, women’s deodorant, Chapstick and razors.

  • SWAP meeting April 16, 2023

    The first SWAP Meeting for all attendees will be held on Sunday, April 16, 2023, at 11:30 a.m. (after the service) in the Fellowship Hall. All paperwork will be due that day, so please plan accordingly.

  • Church Directories

    We are currently working on a “new” updated church directory and would like each family to submit a photo to be placed in the directory. Please note: We will need to shrink the photos to fit, so a smaller photo would be best. We do not want families to provide individual photos of each family…

  • Ohio MCC Comforter Bash

    Ohio MCC Comforter Bash will be held on April 21-22 in the recreation building at the Kidron Community Park, 4434 Kidron Rd., Kidron, Ohio, from 10 am to 8 pm on Friday and 9 am to 3 pm on Saturday. Everyone is invited to knot comforters for the Mennonite Central Committee and they will distribute…